Monday, January 4, 2010

365 Project Revised to Project 52

For those who don't know, photographers sometimes commit to a 365 project to help them get familiar with their equipment or software. I am truly interested in doing this project, however don't really have the time to commit to everyday since my hands are pretty full with my 1 and 1/2 year old twins, so I am going to accomplish this as Project 52. That is right, I will commit to taking photos at least once a week and then posting some of them for review. My goal is to learn how to use my camera and equipment better as well as learning Photoshop and Lightroom in the process. This industry is ever changing and I consistently love to learn and try new things, Thank you for following my progress in this project.

Week 1
January 3 - 9th
The set of photos (including the one above) were taken in my in-laws back yard as I tested out the new lens I bought.


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